Southwest Montana, Spring 2010 (Sigma DP2)
Another campsite photograph, this time taken with the Sigma DP2, with the sun in the photo and no corrective Photoshopping to deal with the ungainly, but nicely colorful, lens flare.
Mornings on sage flats are special in their own way because it’s the type of backcountry camping we get in Montana before the snow melts at the higher elevations. So, in addition to camping on them because we can, we camp on them because the sky is big, which means good views, and you can see for miles.
Shelter is the Stealth Nano tarp again – 5.0 oz. On this 20 degree morning, after a night of high winds, I was comfortable in a 6 oz breathable bivy sack and a 23 oz synthetic quilt, with a 3.5 oz torso sized foam pad. Add to this 0.5 oz of guylines and 2.0 oz of titanium stakes, and you have a go-just-about-anywhere-do-just-about-anything-in-North-America shelter/sleep system for two and a half pounds.
Not a bad way to cover most of where I go between Easter and Thanksgiving.