Chase and I are planning a car camping trip this weekend with our Boy Scout troop. We're going to camp at Mammoth Hot Springs, just inside Yellowstone National Park. Currently, Mammoth ranks as one of Chase's Top Five Best Ever Places on Earth. I think it's because one time we were there, we saw a big bull elk in rut tear the skin off some guy's brand new $100,000 motorcoach.
We'll cook outrageous meals in dutch ovens, take photos of the terraces, soak in the Boiling River, and enjoy the solitude of the campground because apparently, people don't go camping after Labor Day anymore.
We'll go hiking of course. I think we're planning on a descent down into the Black Canyon of the Yellowstone. Mammoth is a fantastic jumping off point for day and overnight hiking.
I think this will shape up to be a great Montana-style weekend vacation. Cheap, too.
My friend Andy is taking a vacation too, up in Alaska. Looks like he's going to do a neat loop hike out of Kotzebue.