Ryan Jordan

Posts Tagged ‘ultralight gear’

Benefits of Ultralight Backpacking Boot Camp (Why I’m Passionate About Education)

I enjoy a lot of different things. Scouting, entrepreneurship, fly fishing, making fires, packrafting, trekking, the wilderness, wildflowers, remote places, my truck, coffee, making my own gear – these are a few of them. But two things that get me as excited as anything else are teaching and ultralight backpacking. The motivation for me to […]

Cuben Fiber Tent on the Middle Fork Flathead River, Montana

Granite Creek, Middle Fork Flathead River, Great Bear Wilderness, Montana LEICA M9, ZEISS BIOGON C 35/2.8 In a previous post I discussed why a floorless pyramid is the best sort of shelter for wilderness travel but what it can’t give you is a good view when it’s raining. I’ve been reviewing, and comparing, interesting ultralight […]

The Versatility of the Pyramid as an Ultralight Shelter

  Bench Pitch A Buttercup Yellow Silnylon Pyramid in the Shadow of the Walling Reef, Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex (Sigma DP2s) The pyramid geometry is the most versatile shelter design for the wilderness trekker. A center pole means there is nothing to break unless you don’t pay attention under the heaviest snow loads, and with […]

Sorting Gear in the Bob Marshall Wilderness (Photo, Sigma DP2s)

Sorting Gear On the North Fork Dupuyer Creek, Bob Marshall Wilderness, Montana Sigma DP2s, f/11, 1/20 sec. I spent a few days over the past weekend on the eastern slope of the Bob Marshall Wilderness in the vicinity of the Walling Reef. This campsite was just inside the canyon, so there’s mountains all round and […]

On the Relevance of Video Games, Lightweight Backpacking Gear, and Education for Boy Scouts

Boy Scout, Montana Trekking Sigma DP2, ISO 50, f/5.0, 1/1000 sec. A lot of things vie for our kids’ time and interests, including but not limited to video games, which this post is not about. I could suggest why spending time outside with peers might be a better use of time than spending time playing […]