Ryan Jordan

The Bacterial Beauty of Yellowstone (Sigma DP2s)

Thermophiles, Yellowstone National Park Sigma DP2s, ISO 50, f/14, 1.3 sec. What you see in the photo is not the result of a science fair experiment. It’s one of the reasons our family loves Yellowstone, and it’s part of why we are spending the holiday weekend here instead of going to a KOA. This particular […]

Tower Creek, Yellowstone National Park (Sigma DP1)

  Tower Creek, Yellowstone National Park Sigma DP1, ISO 100, f/11, 1/8 sec. Thomas Moran’s less famous painting of Tower Creek shows a wispy blue stripe meandering its way through yellow stone cliffs, which is sort of how it looks in the creek’s higher reaches. But if you trek down the creek, which is neither a […]

The Versatility of the Pyramid as an Ultralight Shelter

  Bench Pitch A Buttercup Yellow Silnylon Pyramid in the Shadow of the Walling Reef, Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex (Sigma DP2s) The pyramid geometry is the most versatile shelter design for the wilderness trekker. A center pole means there is nothing to break unless you don’t pay attention under the heaviest snow loads, and with […]

Sunrise on the Walling Reef, Bob Marshall Wilderness (Photo, Sigma DP2s)

Walling Reef Sunrise Bob Marshall Wilderness, Montana (Sigma DP2s, ISO 50, f/11, 1.6 sec.) Waking up to this is not a bad gig, but this is what I had to work with on Friday morning. The problem with this view is that I could see it out of the window as I taught an indoor […]

Sorting Gear in the Bob Marshall Wilderness (Photo, Sigma DP2s)

Sorting Gear On the North Fork Dupuyer Creek, Bob Marshall Wilderness, Montana Sigma DP2s, f/11, 1/20 sec. I spent a few days over the past weekend on the eastern slope of the Bob Marshall Wilderness in the vicinity of the Walling Reef. This campsite was just inside the canyon, so there’s mountains all round and […]